Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de Formation Maroc vous propose une formation accélérée pour les particuliers et les entreprises en individuel ou en groupe, Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de formation éligible aux CSF (Contrats Spéciaux de Formation) de l’OFPPT (Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail) en tant qu’Organisme de Formation / prestataire de formation / opérateur de formation / cabinet de Formation professionnelle – bibliothèque
Vous profitez du plus large choix de formations professionnelles de qualité et disponibles au Maroc : plus de 1000 formations continue sont disponibles et peuvent être déployées partout au Maroc – bibliothèque
PROJECT 161 – Fashion : Web pages that deal with additional fashion elements such as models, agencies and others. Examples are model agency, modeling, etc. Fashion
PROJECT 162 – Fashion – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Mode belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more mode categories must be in this category. Fashion
PROJECT 163 – Figure skating : Websites that discuss information, guides and articles related to figure skating. Skating and other forms of skating belong to another specific category. Examples are pair skating, figure skating, ice skating, etc. Sports
PROJECT 164 – File repositories : Web pages including collections of shareware, freeware, open source, and other software downloads Technology
PROJECT 165 – Finance – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Finance belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more categories must be under this category. Examples are exchange rates, bonds, public finances, etc. Finance
PROJECT 166 – Financial aid : Websites that help to debit loans, credit loans in case of job loss or unemployment. It is also an unemployment benefit in some countries. etc Other forms of assistance the unemployed may be eligible for include food stamps, Medicaid, help with utility bills, rent assistance, and assistance with paying for job training. Examples of financial aid for the unemployed, etc. Careers
PROJECT 167 – Financial News : Current information and articles on aspects of finance. Examples are financial news, financial news, etc. Finance
PROJECT 168 – Financial planning : Web pages that show a series of steps and a guide on how to achieve a specific financial goal, whether personal or professional. Examples are financial planning, etc. Finance
PROJECT 169 – fine arts : Sites that contain creative art judged solely for its intellectual or aesthetic components. Includes calligraphy, sculpture, pottery, sculpture, etc. Arts
PROJECT 170 – Fly fishing : Covers a fly fishing guide, information and articles. Examples are fly casting, fly fishing, etc. Sports
PROJECT 171 – Food and drink – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Food and Drinks belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more food and beverage categories in that category. Examples are food, catering services, food reviews, etc. food drink
PROJECT 172 – Food allergy : An adverse immune response to a dietary protein. They are distinct from other adverse food reactions, such as food intolerance, pharmacological reactions, and toxin-mediated reactions. Examples are spice allergy, nut allergy, grain allergy, etc. food drink
PROJECT 173 – Soccer : Web pages covering the sport of football, including competitions, schedules, guide, information and others. Includes professional and non-professional football. Examples are football equipment, grill, NFL, American football, pigskin, etc. Sports
PROJECT 174 – Forestry : Science, practice or art of maintaining, planting and caring for forests. Examples are forestry, forest maintenance, etc. Business
PROJECT 175 – France : Includes France cities, France destinations, France beaches, France events, France travel guide, France public transport, France hotels and others related to France. Examples are the eiffel tower, paris, the louvre of paris, bourdeaux etc. Journey
PROJECT 176 – Freelance writing : Web pages that cover art, hobbies, business, or freelance writing tips. Examples are ghostwriting, freelance writing, etc. Hobbies interests
PROJECT 177 – French cuisine : Web pages that show the preparation of foods (French recipes, French cuisine, French cuisine, etc.) originating in France and territories. Examples are baguette, hotpot, string etc. food drink
PROJECT 178 – Freshwater fishing : Websites that discuss guides and information on freshwater fishing in ponds, rivers, lakes, etc. Examples are freshwater fishing, etc. Sports
PROJECT 179 – Game & Fish : Websites featuring hunting and fishing as a sport. Examples are fishing supplies, fishing rods, bass fishing, etc. Sports
PROJECT 180 – Games : Includes games specially designed for children. Examples are clapping games, hide and seek games, hide and seek games, hopscotch games, etc. Children
- Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
- Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
- cours particuliers Maroc
- Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription
- 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
- Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
- Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
- Ingénierie de formation
- Conception du Plan de formation
- Développement de compétences professionnelles
- Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
- Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
- Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
- Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
- Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
- Bilan des compétences
- cabinet de formation éligible
- Contrat de formation
- Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail
Nos formations sont proposées aux :
- Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
- Cadres et fonctionnaires
- Employés et salariés
- Travailleurs indépendants
- Demandeurs d’emploi
- Étudiants et stagiaires
TOP cours :
Informatique Bureautique Développement Web Développement informatique Système Réseau informatique – BTP Industriel Bâtiment architecture Génie Civil électricité Mécanique design Infographie Montage vidéo – économie Commercial Vente Comptabilité Fiscalité Audit Contrôle de gestion Finance Logistique Management RH Digital Achats entrepreneuriat Banque Assurance
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