Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de formation continue Maroc vous propose une formation continue formation pour les particuliers et les entreprises en individuel ou en groupe, la formation continue se déroule sous forme des ateliers réels et des projets en Dessin technique, à la fin de la formation vous serez capable de créer des Projet galerie activités
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Vous profitez du plus large choix de formations professionnelles de qualité et disponibles au Maroc : plus de 1000 formations continue sont disponibles et peuvent être déployées partout au Maroc galerie
PROJECT 221 – Support for incest/abuse : Sites that provide information, organizations and support for victims of incest and various types of abuse. Examples are incest abuse support, incest help, etc. Health
PROJECT 222 – Incontinence : Sites that offer information about the types of fecal and urinary incontinence, including its symptoms, causes, and treatments. Examples are involuntary defecation, overactive bladder, involuntary urination, etc. Health
PROJECT 223 – Intertility : Web pages that deal with information about male or female infertility. Examples are low sperm count, infertility, etc. Health
PROJECT 224 – Information security : Web pages and companies that provide computer and network security services, materials or information. Software tools commonly used both for network auditing and also by hackers, such as nessus and nmap, should be considered information security tools due to the wide range of uses for these tools. Examples are anti-spam, anti-phishing, email security, etc. Technology
PROJECT 225 – Rollerblading : Covers the sport of inline skating. Examples are inline speed skating, Nordic skating, roller skating, etc. Sports
PROJECT 226 – Instant Messenger : Private chat software and services that typically involve keeping in touch with a list of « »buddies » » through messaging services that are not specific to particular web pages. Instant messaging software and web pages usually include features such as video, audio, file transfer, friend login/logout notifications, etc. Examples are webmail, instant messaging, etc. Dynamic
PROJECT 227 – Assurance : Web pages cover any type of insurance, insurance company or government insurance program, from health insurance to car insurance to life insurance Finance
PROJECT 228 – Interior decoration : Includes tips and tricks, guide, articles and information on home or office interior decorating. Excludes interior design which falls under architecture. Examples are home decor, home decor, home decor, etc. Home & Garden
PROJECT 229 – International information : Online (or offline) news pages and articles covering international news and events. Examples are CNN, CBC News Network, World News, etc. News, portal and research
PROJECT 230 – internet of things : Websites that discuss or explain the Internet of Things and the interconnection (via the Internet) of devices embedded in everyday objects, allowing them to send and receive data. Also includes websites that market or promote IoT devices. Technology
PROJECT 231 – Internet phone and VoIP : Web pages that allow users to make calls through the Web or download software that allows users to make calls through the Internet Technology
PROJECT 232 – internet technology : Information about the World Wide Web, web services and the like relating to Internet technology. Technology
PROJECT 233 – Invest : Sites that deal with the act of investing money in an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends and/or interest income. Excludes equity investments. Examples are investment techniques, investing, etc. Finance
PROJECT 234 – Investors & Patents : Web pages that include investing in hobbyist-made startup inventions. It can also be related to « kicking » which refers to funding new creative projects of all kinds. Once the funds are invested, the patents follow. Hobbies interests
PROJECT 235 – Islam : Web pages that talk about beliefs, traditions and other information about Islam. Religion
PROJECT 236 – Italian food : Web pages that show the preparation of foods (Italian recipes, Italian cuisine, Italian cuisine, etc.) originating in Italy. Examples are carbonara, ice cream, risotto, etc. food drink
PROJECT 237 – Italy Includes Italian cities, Italian destinations, Italian beaches, Italian events, Italian travel guide, Italian public transport, Italian hotels and others related to Italy. Examples are sicily, napoli, the vatican city, etc. Journey
PROJECT 238 – Japan : Includes cities in Japan, destinations in Japan, beaches in Japan, events in Japan, travel guide to Japan, public transportation in Japan, hotels in Japan and more about Japan. Examples are tokyo, osaka, hokkaido etc. Journey
PROJECT 239 – Japanese Cuisine : Web pages that show the preparation of foods (Japanese recipes, Japanese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, etc.) originating from Japan. Examples are sushi, sukiyaki, wasabi, etc. food drink
PROJECT 240 – Java : Sites and companies that offer services or provide information and guides on the Java programming language. Examples are jvm, clojure, jlog etc. Technology
POURQUOI CHOISIR Oasis de la connaissance ?
- Formateur hautement qualifiés et expert
- Horaires flexibles 7j / 7 de 9h à 21h selon votre choix / disponibilité
- Inscription ouverte toute l’année
- Accès gratuit : wifi, café, espace de détente
- Différentes formules adaptées à votre budget et besoin
- Plus de 1000 formations accélérées
- Coaching d’emploi / Coaching professionnel gratuitement aux inscrits
- Matériel de travail en cas de besoin : pc portable, clavier, souri
- Formation à distance
- Réalisation des projetss
- Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
- Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
- cours particuliers Maroc
- Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription
- 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
- Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
- Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
- Ingénierie de formation
- Conception du Plan de formation
- Développement de compétences professionnelles
- Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
- Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
- Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
- Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
- Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
- Bilan des compétences
- cabinet de formation éligible
- Contrat de formation
- Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail
Nos formations sont proposées aux :
- Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
- Cadres et fonctionnaires
- Employés et salariés
- Travailleurs indépendants
- Demandeurs d’emploi
- Étudiants et stagiaires
TOP cours :
Informatique Bureautique Développement Web Développement informatique Système Réseau informatique – BTP Industriel Bâtiment architecture Génie Civil électricité Mécanique design Infographie Montage vidéo – économie Commercial Vente Comptabilité Fiscalité Audit Contrôle de gestion Finance Logistique Management RH Digital Achats entrepreneuriat Banque Assurance
- Liste des facultes Casablanca
- Travail a distance
- Liste des centres ofppt
- Liste des concours Maroc
- Formation centre d’appel
- livre
- Licence Maroc
- Comment créer un cv
- Trouver un stage Au Maroc
- Licence professionnelle
- Trouver les offres d’emploi
- Soutenance
- Enseignement Maroc
- Etablissements publics
- Ecole d’ingénieur
- Formation universitaire
- Etude Au Maroc
- préparation entretien visa
- coach d’emploi
- Devenir un Formateur Microsoft
- Code de travail marocaine
- Logiciels informatique
- obtenez des certificats international
- Catalogue de formation
- Ouvrir projet e-commerce
- Agence communication digitale
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Horaire prière
- Ecole privée à Casablanca BEAUSÉJOUR – HAY MOHAMMADI