
stage Maroc

Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de Formation Maroc vous propose une formation continue accélérée pour les particuliers et les entreprises en individuel ou en groupe, Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de formation éligible aux CSF (Contrats Spéciaux de Formation) de l’OFPPT (Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail) en tant qu’Organisme de Formation / prestataire de formation / opérateur de formation / cabinet de Formation professionnelle – stage Maroc

les meilleurs sites et applications pour trouver un stage maroc

1. La relève
2. Meteojob
3. Stage.fr
4. Jobs-stages.letudiant.fr
5. Jd.apec.fr
6. Studyrama-emploi.com
7. Directetudiant.com
8. Iquesta.com
9. LinkedIn.com
10. Indeed.fr
11. Emploi.trovit.fr
12. Keljob.com
13. Monster.fr
14. Glassdoor.fr
15. Emploi-Evenementiel.fr
16. aidostage.com
17. Jobteaser.com

Recrutement Maroc – offre d’emploi – annonce emploi – emploi formateur –  profs permanents vacataires – Infographiste – dessinateur – Formateur en informatique – Formateur infographie – profs en dessin industriel – formateur expert en .net – Formateur en WordPress – Formateur MasterCam – Formateur en finance – Formateur en Management – Formateur comptabilité – formateur sage – Formateur GRH – développeur web – webMaster – community manager – Commerciale – Secrétaire – Assistante commerciale – téléconseiller – 

Vous profitez du plus large choix de formations professionnelles de qualité et disponibles au Maroc : plus de 1000 formations continue sont disponibles et peuvent être déployées partout au Maroc stage Maroc


PROJECT 301 – Paintball : Web pages focused on information, articles, events and more related to paintball. Examples are paintball guns, paintball leagues, woodsball, etc. Sports

PROJECT 302 – Paint : Websites that provide painting art, business, information and guides. Examples are portrait painting, painting, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 303 – Handhelds/PDAs : Manufacturers of Palmtops and/or PDAs and company websites. May also include web pages that sell handheld computers and/or PDA accessories. Examples are pda, palm handheld etc. Technology

PROJECT 304 – Panic/Anxiety : Sites that provide information, articles, guides and the like related to panic and/or anxiety. Examples are fear of, phobias, claustrophobia, etc. Health

PROJECT 305 – Paranormal phenomenons : Web pages, articles and information on paranormal phenomena. Examples are the paranormal, mind reading, UFOs, etc. Science

PROJECT 306 – Parenting – Children from kindergarten to 6th grade : Refers to information and advice on parenting and caring for children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Examples are k6 parenting, K-6 parenting, etc. Family and parenting

PROJECT 307 – Teen parents : Web pages that teach parents how to manage their teenagers and related areas during their teenage years. Examples are parents of teenagers, how to handle teenagers for parents, etc. Family and parenting

PROJECT 308 – Domains parked and for sale : It’s quite common for people to buy domains and never put content on them. These domains are typically used to generate revenue by hosting advertisements that are themed to coincide with the domain name or previous use of the domain, or these domains are for sale. Can be combined with any applicable specific category except Manufacturing, Business-Other, Login Screens, No Content Found and Inaccessible. Examples are parked domain, calling domain owner for sale, etc. Various

PROJECT 309 – Parks, recreation facilities and gymnasiums : Parks and other areas designated for recreational activities such as swimming, skateboarding, rock climbing, as well as non-professional sports such as community sports fields. Also includes theme parks, zoos, amusement parks and health centers such as gymnasiums and health clubs. Way of life

PROJECT 310 – Pay to surf : Websites that offer money to users who install their software which displays advertisements and effectively tracks browsing habits allowing users to get paid while surfing the web. Extremely popular for a while, there are few Pay To Surf sites left. Examples are earn money surfing, paid to surf, surf and earn etc. Online ads

PROJECT 311 – Computer support : Companies, webpages, and others that can offer service and support for PC problems and concerns. Examples are computer repair service, Windows support, etc. Technology

PROJECT 312 – Pediatrics : Web pages that provide information about the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants and toddlers. Examples are infant medical care, newborn screening, pediatrics, pediatrician, child doctors, etc. Health

PROJECT 313 – Equals : Web pages that provide peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing software. Note that this does not apply to online repositories of files for download via P2P, only to the P2P software itself and any company that provides this software. Examples are emule fileswire, file sharing software, frostwire etc. Technology

PROJECT 314 – Performance vehicles : Sites that describe modified (or assembled) road vehicles designed for performance (speed performance, tuning performance, engine boost, etc.). These automobiles are often used on race tracks. Examples are sports cars, supercars, etc. Automotive

PROJECT 315 – Personal pages and blogs : Blogs are a format for individuals to share news, opinions and information about themselves in a time-stamped web log and they are inevitably written in the first person. Personal pages are web pages about an individual or their family (also written in the first person). Can be combined with other categories when the blog mainly focuses on a single topic like politics. These sites are usually written in the first person. This category is incompatible with community forums and social media categories. Examples are about me, blog, wordpress etc. Dynamic

PROJECT 316 – Personal storage : Websites used for remote file storage, large file sharing, and remote Internet backups. Examples are ftp replacement, online backup, online storage, etc. Technology

PROJECT 317 – Animals – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Pets belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more pet categories must be under this category. Pets

PROJECT 318 – Medications : Web pages of prescription and over-the-counter (legal) drug manufacturers as well as online pharmacies, drug facts, drug studies and research, drug reviews, and other information. This category excludes cancer, dermatology, abortion and allergy medications. Examples are legal drugs, drugs, over-the-counter drugs, etc. Health

PROJECT 319 – Philanthropic organizations : Charities and other non-profit philanthropic organizations and foundations dedicated to altruistic activities aimed at improving the quality of life of groups or individuals. Excludes incest assistance and divorce assistance. Also includes websites that rate and review charities or act as channels for online donations to selected charities. Examples are charitable giving, fundraising, disaster relief, etc. Public, government and law

PROJECT 320 – Photo sharing : Websites that host digital photographs or allow users to upload, search, and exchange photos and images online. Also includes galleries or photo albums hosted on business or personal websites. Also includes online photo printing where photographs can be downloaded and ordered as prints. Examples are photo album, photo gallery, photo sharing, etc. Dynamic

POURQUOI CHOISIR Oasis de la connaissance ?

  • Formateur hautement qualifiés et expert
  • Horaires flexibles 7j / 7 de 9h à 21h selon votre choix / disponibilité
  • Inscription ouverte toute l’année
  • Accès gratuit : wifi, café, espace de détente
  • Différentes formules adaptées à votre budget et besoin
  • Plus de 1000 formations accélérées
  • Coaching d’emploi / Coaching professionnel gratuitement aux inscrits
  • Matériel de travail en cas de besoin : pc portable, clavier, souri
  • Formation à distance
  • Réalisation des projetss


  • Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
  • Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
  • cours particuliers Maroc
  • Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription 
  • 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
  • Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
  • Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
  • Ingénierie de formation
  • Conception du Plan de formation
  • Développement de compétences professionnelles
  • Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
  • Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
  • Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
  • Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
  • Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
  • Bilan des compétences
  • cabinet de formation éligible
  • Contrat de formation
  • Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail

Nos formations sont proposées aux :

  • Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
  • Cadres et fonctionnaires
  • Employés et salariés
  • Travailleurs indépendants
  • Demandeurs d’emploi
  • Étudiants et stagiaires

TOP cours :

Informatique Bureautique Développement Web Développement informatique Système Réseau informatiqueBTP Industriel Bâtiment architecture Génie Civil électricité Mécanique design Infographie Montage vidéoéconomie Commercial Vente Comptabilité Fiscalité Audit Contrôle de gestion Finance Logistique Management RH Digital Achats entrepreneuriat Banque Assurance 


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