oasis connaissance

tarif de formation

Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de Formation Maroc vous propose une formation pour les particuliers et les entreprises en individuel ou en groupe, Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de formation éligible aux CSF (Contrats Spéciaux de Formation) de l’OFPPT (Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail) en tant qu’Organisme de Formation / prestataire de formation / opérateur de formation / cabinet de Formation professionnelle – Fiche tarif de formation


PROJECT 21 – Alternative religions : Information and articles about non-dominant religions around the world, including their beliefs, practices, rituals, creeds, ethics, and history. Examples are Bahai faith, yin yang, etc. Religion

PROJECT 22 – American Cuisine : Web pages that show the preparation of foods (American recipes, American cuisine, American cuisine, etc.) originating in the United States of America and associated islands. Examples are burger, tater tots, grits, etc. food drink

PROJECT 23 – Animation : Technology sites focused on animation information, guidance, and research. Excludes cartoons and animated films. Examples are flash animation, stop motion animation, 2D animation, etc. Technology

PROJECT 24 – anonymizer : Proxies and anonymizers to surf websites while hiding source IP address, cookies, etc. Anonymizers are frequently used to circumvent web filtering technology. This category applies to any site that provides a proxy of another site for the purpose of bypassing filters. Sites dedicated to listing currently usable proxies are also categorized as Anonymizer. Examples are remain anonymous, anonymous email recipient, anonymous proxy, etc. Dynamic

PROJECT 25 – anti-virus software : Companies and web pages that provide information about antivirus software. Examples are avast, kaspersky, avira etc. Technology

PROJECT 26 – Apartments : Information on renting, leasing, buying and selling and other related areas about apartments. Examples are towers, apartments, etc. Real estate

PROJECT 27 – Apis : Websites relating to the development, use and promotion of an application programming interface (API) and tools for creating application software. Various

PROJECT 28 – Appliances : Information about or manufacturers of home and office appliances. Also includes food and kitchen appliances. Utensils and non-electric items belong to Food & Drink-Other. Examples are electric fan, air conditioning, air filter, grills, etc. Home & Garden

PROJECT 29 – Aquariums : Web pages dedicated to providing information and articles on aquariums. Examples are aquarium fish, koi (carp), pet fish, etc. Pets

PROJECT 30 – Architects : Everything related to architecture. Examples are lighting design, architectural firms, architects, interior design, etc. Real estate

PROJECT 31 – The history of art : Study of the historical development of art and information on genre, design, format and style. Examples are art history, art history, etc. Education

PROJECT 32 – Art/Technology : Includes Web pages on Digital Arts, Digital Arts (Hobbyist), and Digital Arts Tips and Information. Examples are digital artist (hobbyist), digital art tips, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 33 – Arthritis : Sites dealing with a disorder involving inflammation of one or more joints. Examples are osteo, arthritis, septic arthritis, gout, etc. Health

PROJECT 34 – Arts – Others : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Arts belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more Arts categories must be under this category. Examples are graffiti, art posters, museums (art) etc. Arts

PROJECT 35 – Arts and Crafts : Sites that cover arts and crafts hobbies, clay modeling, mask making, puppet making, and custom cards whether as a business or a hobby. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 36 – Asthma : Web pages that deal with information on asthma and related respiratory diseases. Examples are nocturnal asthma, occupational asthma, etc. Health

PROJECT 37 – Astrology & Horoscope : Web pages related to astrology, horoscopes, divination according to the stars or the zodiac Science

PROJECT 38 – Auctions and marketplaces : Web pages devoted to the sale or exchange of goods and services from person to person through classified ads, online auctions or other means not including « traditional » online business models business to consumer Purchases

PROJECT 39 – Autism/PDD : Web pages containing details and information on Autism and PDD, also known as « Pervasive Developmental Disorders ». Examples are autism, PDD, etc. Health

PROJECT 40 – Car parts : Web pages dealing with vehicle accessories and parts. Examples are gauge, headlight, ignition box, car seat covers, etc. Automotive

POURQUOI CHOISIR Oasis de la connaissance ?

  • Formateur hautement qualifiés et expert
  • Horaires flexibles 7j / 7 de 9h à 21h selon votre choix / disponibilité
  • Inscription ouverte toute l’année
  • Accès gratuit : wifi, café, espace de détente
  • Différentes formules adaptées à votre budget et besoin
  • Plus de 1000 formations accélérées
  • Coaching d’emploi / Coaching professionnel gratuitement aux inscrits
  • Matériel de travail en cas de besoin : pc portable, clavier, souri
  • Formation à distance
  • Réalisation des projetss


  • Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
  • Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
  • cours particuliers Maroc
  • Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription 
  • 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
  • Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
  • Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
  • Ingénierie de formation
  • Conception du Plan de formation
  • Développement de compétences professionnelles
  • Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
  • Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
  • Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
  • Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
  • Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
  • Bilan des compétences
  • cabinet de formation éligible
  • Contrat de formation
  • Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail

Nos formations sont proposées aux :

  • Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
  • Cadres et fonctionnaires
  • Employés et salariés
  • Travailleurs indépendants
  • Demandeurs d’emploi
  • Étudiants et stagiaires

tarif de formation au Maroc

TOP cours :

Informatique Bureautique Développement Web Développement informatique Système Réseau informatiqueBTP Industriel Bâtiment architecture Génie Civil électricité Mécanique design Infographie Montage vidéoéconomie Commercial Vente Comptabilité Fiscalité Audit Contrôle de gestion Finance Logistique Management RH Digital Achats entrepreneuriat Banque Assurance 

formation professionnelle Maroc
Modes de Paiement
Formation initiale
ecole superieur
Cours du soir
Formation qualifiante
Conditions d’accès
calendrier des formations
formation bachelor
Formation Des Cadres
cycle de formation
Formation diplômante
Formation sur-mesure
formation metier
formation complete
equipe oasis
formation expert
formation avancée
exercices pratiques
rejoignez nous
pack de formation
nos avantages
formation initiation
formation en ramadan
Formation d’été
thank you page
formation les bases

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