
formation initiation

Oasis de la connaissance cabinet de formation professionnel au Maroc vous propose une formation initiation en plusieurs domaines, formation pour les particuliers et les entreprises en individuel ou en groupe formation initiation

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Formations initiation


BTP – Industriel




PROJECT 181 – Gardening : Websites dealing with flowers (tips and care), plants (tips and care), gardening tips, gardening, flower pots, indoor plants and more. Home & Garden

PROJECT 182 – Genealogy : Discusses information, guide, business, advice and other related areas regarding genealogy. Examples are family tree, genealogy, ancestry research, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 183 – Geography : Websites dealing with the science and study of geography. Examples are human geography, regional geography, geography, etc. Science

PROJECT 184 – Geology : Web pages that deal with the study of geology and its related information. Examples are volcanology, petrology, mineralogy, etc. Science

PROJECT 185 – GERD/acid reflux : Also known as « Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease » (GERD), « Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease » (GERD), « Gastric Reflux Disease » or « Acid Reflux Disease », these web pages discuss information, causes, symptoms and the treatment of this disease. Examples are GERD, GERD, acid reflux, etc. Health

PROJECT 186 – Be published : Web pages dealing with business, information, tips and tricks, and a guide to getting an individual’s literary work published. Examples are published, get advice published, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 187 – Golf : Web pages that cover the sport of golf, including competitions, players, rankings and other related information. Professional and non-professional golf sports are included in this category. Golf courses belong to parks, recreation facilities and gymnasiums. Examples are golf balls, golf clubs (equipment), Professional Golfers Association (PGA), etc. Sports

PROJECT 188 – Government : Legal entities created by the government to manage business activities on its behalf. Typically, these are businesses or corporations owned by the government but run by individuals. Examples are SOEs, SOEs, etc. Business

PROJECT 189 – government sponsored : Web pages dedicated to government organizations, departments or agencies. Includes police, firefighters (when employed by a city), election commissions, elected officials, government-sponsored programs, and research Public, government and law

PROJECT 190 – High school : Web pages that show a type of school that obtains advanced academic degrees such as « master’s » or « doctorate » degrees, but with an « undergraduate » (« bachelor’s ») degree requirement . Examples are vocational schools, graduate schools, master’s degrees, etc. Education

PROJECT 191 – Graphics software : Sites that provide information and guides on graphics software. Examples are coreldraw, corel designer, adobe indesign etc. Technology

PROJECT 192 – Greece : Includes Greek cities, Greek destinations, Greek beaches, Greece events, Greece travel guide, public transport in Greece, Greek hotels and more about Greece. Examples are Athens, Mount Athnos, Samaria etc. Journey

PROJECT 193 – Green solutions and conservation : Sites that promote sustainable “green” solutions and conservation. Examples are biofuels, climate, solar energy, etc. Business

PROJECT 194 – Guitar : Covers hobby, information, playing guide, collecting and other related areas about guitars. Examples are guitar, guitar store, guitar for sale, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 195 – Tailgate : Web pages presenting automobiles equipped with either a three-door and a hatchback, or a five-door and a hatchback. A hatch is located at the rear of the vehicle which swings up and can be used as a cargo area. Examples are liftback, hatchback, etc. Automotive

PROJECT 196 – Headaches/Migraines : Sites that talk about information, causes, symptoms and treatments for headaches and/or migraines. Examples are headache, migraine, dizziness, etc. Health

PROJECT 197 – Health – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Health belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more health categories must be under this category. Health

PROJECT 198 – Healthy/low fat cooking : Disclosed herein are methods of preparing healthy foods that focus on lower fat or healthier contents. Examples are low fat cooking, healthy cooking, etc. food drink

PROJECT 199 – heart disease : Sites that discuss heart disease information such as causes, symptoms, and treatments. Examples are heart attack, angina, cardiology, etc. Health

PROJECT 200 – Hedge funds : Websites that describe a common investment vehicle administered by a professional management company and often structured as a limited partnership, limited liability company, or similar vehicle. Examples are hedge funds, hedging techniques, etc. Finance

POURQUOI CHOISIR Oasis de la connaissance ?

  • Formateur hautement qualifiés et expert
  • Horaires flexibles 7j / 7 de 9h à 21h selon votre choix / disponibilité
  • Inscription ouverte toute l’année
  • Accès gratuit : wifi, café, espace de détente
  • Différentes formules adaptées à votre budget et besoin
  • Plus de 1000 formations accélérées
  • Coaching d’emploi / Coaching professionnel gratuitement aux inscrits
  • Matériel de travail en cas de besoin : pc portable, clavier, souri
  • Formation à distance
  • Réalisation des projets


  • Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
  • Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
  • cours particuliers Maroc
  • Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription 
  • 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
  • Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
  • Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
  • Ingénierie de formation
  • Conception du Plan de formation
  • Développement de compétences professionnelles
  • Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
  • Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
  • Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
  • Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
  • Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
  • Bilan des compétences
  • cabinet de formation éligible
  • Contrat de formation
  • Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail

Nos formations sont proposées aux :

  • Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
  • Cadres et fonctionnaires
  • Employés et salariés
  • Travailleurs indépendants
  • Demandeurs d’emploi
  • Étudiants et stagiaires

centre privé, centre de formation, centre, ecole de formation, formation continue, apprendre, cours

Prix de formation initiation, cours du jours initiation marrakech, Formation professionnelle  berrechid, ecole el jadida, ecole privée mohammedia, Formation privée initiation Rabat, cours particuliers  Casablanca, Cours du soir 

formation professionnelle Maroc
Modes de Paiement
Formation initiale
ecole superieur
Cours du soir
Formation qualifiante
Conditions d’accès
calendrier des formations
formation bachelor
Formation Des Cadres
cycle de formation
Formation diplômante
Formation sur-mesure
formation metier
formation complete
equipe oasis
formation expert
formation avancée
exercices pratiques
rejoignez nous
tarif de formation
pack de formation
nos avantages
formation en ramadan
Formation d’été
thank you page
formation les bases

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