

Vous profitez du plus large choix de formations professionnelles de qualité et disponibles au Maroc : plus de 1000 formations continue sont disponibles et peuvent être déployées partout au Maroc – expertise Maroc

TOP services :

expertise informatique

Services Informatique : Création Site Web E-Commerce – Création site web vitrine – Création Application web – Web design – Communication digitale – Développement mobile – Référencement web – formation en informatique inter-entreprise / intra-entreprise

expertise commerciale

Services commerciale : Business plan – Etude du marché – Création des base données clients – Prospection commerciale – Diagnostic commercial – Création de stratégie commercial – Service de fidélisation des clients  – prestation de service – Ingénierie de formation


PROJECT 241 – JavaScript : Businesses and web pages focused on Javascripts. Examples are commonjs, motagejs, mindmup etc. Technology

PROJECT 242 – Jewelry : Web pages that tackle small decorative items worn for personal adornment. Examples are necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc. Fashion

PROJECT 243 – jewelry making : Includes a guide, information, business, tips and tricks on the hobby and the art of jewelry making. Examples are jewelry making, handmade jewelry, personalized jewelry, etc. Hobbies interests

PROJECT 244 – Career fairs : Web pages that show places and/or events full of job seekers and job seekers. Examples are job fairs, job fairs, job fairs, etc. Careers

PROJECT 245 – job search : Job posting pages on company websites, job search sites, interview boards, job-related classified ads, temporary work, contract work wanted or offered, etc. Careers

PROJECT 246 – Kindergarten to Grade 6 educators : Also known as « kindergarten to grade 6 », schools are mainly used for five-year-olds who receive primary education, applicable to most countries. Examples are elementary schools, primary schools, etc. Education

PROJECT 247 – Children – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Children belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more child categories should be under this category. Children

PROJECT 248 – Children’s Pages : Web pages specifically aimed at young children (under 10), including entertainment, games and hobbies pages designed for young children Children

PROJECT 249 – Landscaping : Web pages that discuss landscaping information and guide. Examples are landscapes, lawn design, landscaping, etc. Home & Garden

PROJECT 250 – Learn a language : Websites dealing with schools that teach language acquisition and understanding as primary or secondary languages. Learning English is not included, it falls under a more specific category. Examples are language acquisition, learning Japanese, learning Spanish, etc. Education

PROJECT 251 – large animals : Web pages that deal with information and articles on mammals. Examples are monkeys, orangutans, dolphins, etc. Pets

PROJECT 252 – Latter Day Saints : Web pages dealing with beliefs, traditions, and other information about Latter-day Saints. Examples are Mormons, Mormonism, the LDS movement, etc. Religion

PROJECT 253 – Legal issue : Web pages that address issues and laws on legal matters except for divorce and immigration which fall under other specific categories. Examples are law firms, corporate law, court hearings, lawyers, etc. Public, government and law

PROJECT 254 – Lifestyle – Other : Sites that do not belong to any specific category under Lifestyle belong to this category. Also includes web pages that have two or more lifestyle categories must be in this category. Way of life

PROJECT 255 – linux : Web pages, companies and tutorials on Linux. Examples are linux, ubuntu etc. Technology

PROJECT 256 – Literature & Books : Published writings, including fiction and non-fiction novels, poems and biographies. Also includes the book publishing industry, including literary agents, publishers, author resources, etc. Examples are bookstore, fiction, literature reviews, etc. Education

PROJECT 257 – Local News : Online (or offline) news pages and articles focused on coverage of events in a local location or area. Examples are local newspapers, local news, local TV news, city news, county news, provincial news, community news, street news, etc. News, portal and research

PROJECT 258 – Login screens : Web pages used to login to a wide variety of services where the actual service is not known, but which may fall into more than one category (eg Yahoo and Google login pages). Dynamic

PROJECT 259 – Luxury : Web pages that show better quality equipment vehicles, better comfort and design, more innovative, modern and more prestigious. Price and brand image are the two main components of the definition of a “luxury” vehicle. Examples are dodge, maserati, lexus etc. Automotive

PROJECT 260 – macOS : Sites that provide information and guides on the Mac operating system. Technology

POURQUOI CHOISIR Oasis de la connaissance ?

  • Formateur hautement qualifiés et expert
  • Horaires flexibles 7j / 7 de 9h à 21h selon votre choix / disponibilité
  • Inscription ouverte toute l’année
  • Accès gratuit : wifi, café, espace de détente
  • Différentes formules adaptées à votre budget et besoin
  • Plus de 1000 formations accélérées
  • Coaching d’emploi / Coaching professionnel gratuitement aux inscrits
  • Matériel de travail en cas de besoin : pc portable, clavier, souri
  • Formation à distance 


  • Formation en groupe : 18H – 36H – 72H – 144H – 300H
  • Formation individuelle : 12H-20H
  • cours particuliers Maroc
  • Une orientation et diagnostic de besoin avant l’inscription 
  • 2 centre de formation à votre disposition Beauséjour et Hay el mohammadi
  • Cours du jour, cours du soir et weekend
  • Possibilité de bloquer la formation ou reporter la séance
  • Ingénierie de formation
  • Conception du Plan de formation
  • Développement de compétences professionnelles
  • Conseil en stratégie des entreprises Maroc
  • Une CVthèque disponibles pour les entreprises
  • Service gratuit de recrutement Maroc
  • Formations Inter-entreprises Maroc
  • Formations Intra-entreprise Maroc
  • Bilan des compétences
  • cabinet de formation éligible
  • Contrat de formation
  • Augmentation de la productivité et de la performance au travail

Nos formations sont proposées aux :

  • Entreprises de toutes les tailles (grande, moyenne, petite, et toute petite)
  • Cadres et fonctionnaires
  • Employés et salariés
  • Travailleurs indépendants
  • Demandeurs d’emploi
  • Étudiants et stagiaires


TOP cours :

Informatique Bureautique Développement Web Développement informatique Système Réseau informatiqueBTP Industriel Bâtiment architecture Génie Civil électricité Mécanique design Infographie Montage vidéoéconomie Commercial Vente Comptabilité Fiscalité Audit Contrôle de gestion Finance Logistique Management RH Digital Achats entrepreneuriat Banque Assurance 

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